How to Clean LEGOs

Why Cleaning LEGO Bricks Is Important

LEGO bricks are not just simple toys; they are cherished collectibles that can be passed down from generation to generation. Over time, however, these bricks can accumulate dust, grime, and even sticky residue from play. Cleaning your LEGO bricks not only improves their appearance but also maintains their lifespan and functionality.

In this article, we’ll discuss various methods for cleaning LEGO bricks, from basic hand-washing to more advanced techniques. Whether you’re a parent looking to clean your child’s LEGO collection or an adult LEGO enthusiast wanting to restore a vintage set, we’ve got you covered.

Basic Cleaning Methods

Let’s start with the basics. If your LEGO bricks have not been exposed to extreme dirt or stickiness, a simple hand-washing method can do wonders. Here’s what you’ll need:

Materials Instructions
Mild dish soap Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.
Soft bristle brush Dip the brush into the soapy water and gently scrub each LEGO brick, paying particular attention to any visible dirt or grime.
Rinse with clean water Once you’ve scrubbed the bricks, rinse them thoroughly under clean water to remove any traces of soap.
Towel dry or air dry Finally, pat dry each LEGO brick with a clean towel or let them air dry naturally.

Remember, never put LEGO bricks in the dishwasher or washing machine, as the heat and agitation can damage the plastic.

Dealing With Stickiness

If your LEGO bricks have become sticky, whether due to spilled drinks or other substances, a slightly different approach is required. Follow these steps:

Materials Instructions
Warm soapy water Fill a basin with warm water and add a small amount of mild dish soap.
Cotton swabs Dip a cotton swab into the soapy water and gently scrub the sticky areas of each LEGO brick.
Rinse with clean water After scrubbing, rinse the bricks with clean water to remove any soap residue.
Towel dry or air dry As previously mentioned, either towel dry each brick or let them air dry.

For particularly stubborn stickiness, you can also try using a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the cotton swab. Be cautious, however, as excessive use of alcohol can cause discoloration or damage to the LEGO bricks.

Advanced Cleaning Techniques

In some cases, you may find older LEGO bricks that are heavily discolored or stained. These advanced cleaning techniques should help restore their original shine:

Materials Instructions
Hydrogen peroxide Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a container large enough to soak the LEGO bricks.
Non-chlorine bleach If hydrogen peroxide doesn’t yield satisfactory results, try using a solution of non-chlorine bleach and water. Use 1 part bleach to 4 parts water.
Soaking container Place the LEGO bricks in the container, ensuring all stained or discolored areas are fully immersed in the cleaning solution.
Time Let the LEGO bricks soak for several hours or overnight, depending on the severity of the stains.
Brush After soaking, gently scrub the bricks with a soft bristle brush to remove any remaining dirt or discoloration.
Rinse and dry Rinse the bricks thoroughly with clean water and towel dry or air dry.

Always exercise caution when using advanced cleaning techniques, as prolonged exposure to hydrogen peroxide and bleach can weaken the plastic. Additionally, these methods should be reserved for non-electric LEGO pieces, as submerging electronic components can cause irreversible damage.


Regularly cleaning your LEGO bricks not only keeps them looking their best but also helps maintain their value and playability. Remember to use mild soaps and avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the plastic. By following the appropriate cleaning techniques outlined in this article, you can ensure that your LEGO collection remains in excellent condition for years to come.






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